Construction of a 65MGD Flocculation/Sedimentation Basin at the Robert A. Duff Water Treatment Plant includes:
Conversion of four (4) existing flocculation/sedimentation (floc/sed) basins to flocculation (floe) only, and construction of four(4) new sedimentation (sed) basins. Within the existing floc/sed basins, the existing baffles, effluent pipes, inlet diffuser wall, influent gates, wooden baffles, and west wall of the basin will be demolished; and new vertical turbine flocculators, concrete baffle walls, flocculator access bridges, drain gates, wash down water system and influent valves and flow meters will be installed. Work on the new sed basins will include the installation of inclined plate settlers, chain and flight clarification equipment, wash-down water system and new effluent gates. The work also includes demolition of existing buried utilities; site grading; backfilling the earthen lagoons; construction of a sludge line valve vault and concrete settled water flume; and buried piping. Work inside the Ozone Facility will include the installation of electrical conduits and conductors, a new MCC, PLC, and 480V power panel; re-routing of raw water influent piping to the floe basin inlet flume; installation of a new rapid mix (flash mixer) injection system, a new service water connection, new polymer feed pumps, polymer mixing and holding tank; and re-routing of chemical feed piping. The work also includes the demolition of the existing mechanical rapid mixer; installation of new access doors; and HVAC improvements.