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City of Longview Sewer Pump Station Improvements

Name: City of Longview Sewer Pump Station Improvements
Location: Longview, WA
Status: Completed
Type: Pump Stations
Owner: City of Longview
Engineer: Gibbs and Olson
This project consists of four pump stations in Longview, WA. The existing Hudson Street Pump Station will be replaced with a new pump station facility consisting of 15-foot inside diameter below grade wetwell, valve vault, two flow metering stations, and a building housing electrical and control equipment, a standby electrical power generator and an odor control system. The Douglas Street Pump Station will be replaced with a new lift station facility consisting of a 12-foot inside diameter below grade wetwell, valve vault, flow metering station, air/vacuum release, and a building housing electrical and control equipment, a standby electrical power generator and an odor control system. This station will include three submersible sewage pumps to convey  peak flow of 1,400 gpm. The 1025 33rd Ave. Pump Station consists of replacing the current lift station with a 7-foot inside diameter below grade wetwell, valve vault, flow metering vault, and discharge manhole. The existing wetwell will be used to provide a bypass reservoir during construction. The 1524 33rd Ave Pump Station consists of replacing with a 7-foot inside diameter below grade wetwell, valve vault and flow metering vault. Two raw sewage pumps will be installed in the new station, each with a capacity of approximately 340 gpm.
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