The Dundee Wastewater Treatment Plant Project consisted of the construction of a new headworks with 2 basket screens and channels, an ogee crest and trench style influent pump station with 4 submersible pumps and associated forcemains, conversion of an existing building into an electrical building, construction of a concrete basin structure with 2 process trains (2 process basins, 4 membrane basins), mixers, feed-forward pumps, aeration equipment, piping and associated instruments and appurtenances.
Additional work included the installation of Kubota submerged membrane units (SMUs) in 2 membrane basins with associated pipe gallery and appurtenances, the installation of 2 equalization pumps in 2 (unused) membrane basins, construction of a mechanical building which houses new process blowers, new ultraviolet (UV) disinfection units, and utility water pumping equipment, construction of a Operations/Laboratory/Electrical building with new electric control centers, automatic transfer switch and upgraded electric service and offices.
Installation of an engine generator unit, dredging of biosolids from facultative lagoons, conversion of an existing earthen lagoon into two lined facultative sludge lagoons, construction of an outfall structure and associated effluent conveyance swale, and sssociated site work, fencing, utility water and potable water systems piping, electrical work, instrumentation, painting, and demolition was also completed.