The McMicken Heights Well & Treatment Plant project consisted of the construction of a treatment facility nearby for the removal of iron and manganese from the water. The treatment facility included a pressurized filter vessel containing greensand and anthracite media, a 0.8 percent sodium hypochlorite on-site generation system and feed system, caustic soda and fluorosilicic acid chemical feed systems, a backwash recycle system utilizing a 75,000 gallon below-grade concrete reservoir, electrical panels and controls for filter and process automation, and backup power supply.
The approximately 1,530 square foot treatment building was constructed of CMU block with wood trusses and a metal roof. The facility contains four rooms: 1) mechanical/laboratory/electrical, 2) pH adjustment, 3) fluoridation, and 4) chlorination. Site work included raw and treated water utilities, power, signal, sewer and storm utilities, additional fencing, gravel driveway, site grading, security improvements, and landscaping. Power supply and automatic control improvements was also included in this project.